Cancer has taught me that there’s a silver lining in everything. My cancer center participates in a therapy animal program, so sometimes at chemo, I get to pet a dog! It’s absolutely delightful to have such a gentle, cuddly animal to snuggle up to during such a dreary medical procedure.

I’ve now completed my four rounds of bi-weekly “heavy duty” chemo. I have two weeks off to rest before I start in on three months of weekly chemo doses. The next phase of my chemo is supposed to be less hard on my body. I sincerely hope so because I can not stand the thought of having to go through the same sickness I’ve had for three more months. I am trying to focus on what’s positive in my life right now, and this two week break has my spirits hanging high.

I am looking forward to getting back to work for a little while. I haven’t sat down at my sewing machine in far too long. I’m also feeling motivated to record some video footage for YouTube. I’ve always wanted to keep a blog, vlog channel, or some sort of online presence, but I have never felt that I had much of anything to say. Cancer has changed so much of my life already that I have plenty to say now.

I hope that posting about my experiences online will allow me to hear from other cancer patients and survivors. It can be so beneficial to share with one another. If you’re going through cancer, or if you’re a survivor, how are you doing today?