If you just started sewing, you’ve always wanted to learn, or you want to teach kids how to sew, a great way to begin is by sewing on paper.

I created these sewing practice sheets that you can download for free, then print at home. Download here:

To get started, take all of the thread out of your machine. Don’t forget the bobbin.

Next, start following along each line with your sewing machine. Don’t worry if you go out of the lines. Just sew back to the line and keep going.

When you arrive at a corner, use the hand wheel on your machine to bring your needle to the fully down position. (Remember to always turn the hand wheel towards you, never away from you.) Once your needle is down, lift the presser foot before turning the paper. Reposition your paper, then lower your presser foot again before you resume sewing. In sewing, this is called pivoting.

You can practice each sheet as many times as you need to, or use one at the start of your sewing session as a warm-up.

Keep in mind that sewing on paper will dull your needle more quickly over time. So, if you’ve been sewing lots of practice sheets, you may want to switch to a fresh needle before sewing on fabric again.

Happy Sewing!

XO Ashley